Who we are

Who we are
February 27, 2017 adm

Innatus is an organization that believes we can all walk on the path of mastery. Innatus refers to the inborn, the innate, everything that exists in us naturally. The only way to stay on this path is to be purified from physical and mental hindrance.

Purification is based on respect and awareness of nature, the body, and the mind. Psychological obstacles are equally obstructive, as is any substance that even temporarily takes us off the path. Detrimental effects can be permanent.

On the path of mastery, we can all exceed our own expectations and lead in our respective fields of activity in performance, including top competition in international sports.

Our members are individuals who strive for perpetual homeostasis and who are willing to remain on the path to mastery in their respective chosen fields of performance. They include athletes, scientists, professionals, artists, students, teams, universities, and organizations, among others.

Blending performance with values and education, Innatus seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of fair play , and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.

Innatus vision is to inspire individuals around the world encourage them to adopt and live by these principles and become ambassadors of natural performance.

We help our members to stay on the path of mastery by giving them the tools they need to perform naturally and achieve success.

Innatus philosophy is a philosophy of life.