Esther Mueller

Co - Founder / Head of scientific department

Esther Mueller is specialized in sport psychology and mental coachingShe holds degrees in mind coaching from the University of New South Wales (AUS) and Berkley University of San Francisco (USA).

Fluent in English, German, French and Spanish, she is married and mother to two adult children, both successful in sports and academics.

She has been invited to lecture throughout the world on a variety of scientific topics concerning sport psychology and mental analysisShe was lecturing at Universities of Fribourg, Berne and Basel (Switzerland).

Esther is passionate about training and using the mind to be able to perform well under pressure. The result of her work is valuablebecause the same mental skills athletes use in achieving success in sports can be appliedto achieve success in other areas of our lifeShe is specialized amongst others in teambuilding and individual coaching, conflict management, career orientation, mind management, mentoring and talent analysis. 

She is educated as coach of elite sports in the Swiss Olympic Association, founder and manager of Mental Consulting and president of INNATUS, an organization that helpsindividuals by giving them the tools they need to perform naturally and achieve success.  INNATUS is educating, informing, motivating,supporting and providing the necessaryresources to reach the settled goals

Esther is an analyst and member of Talent Explorer (T-Conseils) in Geneva and producer of the Elite Skills Profiling (ESP) in Neuchâtel.

Esther’s varied career has seen her providingmental support to very successful athletes and teamsAs well business professionals and leaders are amongst her clientsDuring the 2015 Women Soccer World Cup she collaborated with FIFA to select and train the participating referees. She is currently coaching Formula 1, 2 and 3 drivers as well as other athletes in Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, Riding, Tennis, Cycling, Golf, Swimming, Football, Fencing, Gymnastics, Snow Boarding and Alpine Skiing.

She has been the Swiss national coach for Judo.

In addition to her vast experience in mental coaching, Esther has a very broad base of general experience, ranging from sporting bodies, to law enforcement during the years working for the Swiss Diplomatic Corps in Australia and New Zealand. 

Her accumulated experience and knowledge of human performance makes her uniquely qualified to assess and to develop elite sports athletes and business persons.